Buffalo School

In the past Thai people used water buffalo to plow their rice paddies. As times changed, however, the “iron buffalo” (the tractor) replaced the water buffalo and buffalos became household pets or raised on commercial farms. Consequently, the buffalo has not been used as a work animal for years. This creates a situation in which farmers and buffalo no longer know how to plow. Many Thai people have never even seen a real buffalo. But now, in many Provinces, villagers are conserving them. There is a Buffalo Conservation and Development Center (Buffalo School), a royal initiative of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn. The “Kasornkasivit School (The Water Buffalo Agricultural School) exists especially to train buffalo to plow and do agricultural work. It also instructs interested persons in efficient methods and good care of buffalo. The Center is also a place where people can experience rural life and the sufficiency economy life style as promoted by His Majesty the King.