SCHOOL OF GAGS SYNOPSISInfoFULL EPISODE “School of Gags” portrays various situations of college life in humorous sketch comedy. From classroom, dormitory, launderette, cafeteria, to locker room, these scenes promise to make you roll on the floor laughing at how...
THE FLOWER DETECTIVE SYNOPSISInfoFULL EPISODE Featuring a handsome police detective disguises as a food stall lady in order to explode the gang leader of an online casino. The mission is not easy as another handsome detective is ready to steal his role and his girl....
FACTORY OF LOVE SYNOPSISInfoFULL EPISODE A light-hearted sitcom revolving around love and relationships happening in a factory surroundings. One couple has been married for 10 years and their marriage has turned to be a cat-and-dog life. Another couple is unmarried...
Gang of Gags SYNOPSISInfoFULL EPISODE Gang of Gags features social satire comedy about modern trends with witty sarcasm, irony, and tongue-in-cheek humor. Presented by a team of 8 zany comedians, you will laugh at the gags about daily lives, such as riding on a taxi,...
Hidden Status SYNOPSISInfoFULL EPISODE This is the story of two famous sweethearts who pretend to be ‘in love’ in order to keep their business alive. When work is all that matters to raise their little boy, the couple has to deal with social pressure from...