One of Workpoint’s TV shows has been recognized at International Emmy® Awards’! The Baby Boss (Hua Na Ha Kuob), Workpoint’s kids game show that premiered in 2018, is nominated at the 8th International Emmy® Kids Awards for Kids: Non-Scripted...
Prepare to laugh out loud with our latest gags edition! On 6th October, a brand-new comedy series from Workpoint “School of Gags” was premiered on Workpoint Channel. School of Gags is Workpoint’s latest comedy series which presents funny and comedic...
‘Drive Me Home’ one of the internationally recognized programmes from Workpoint, is an entertaining trivia quiz show which gives once-in-a-lifetime chance to contestants to drive their old car into the studio to answer just one question right in order to...
On 19th September 2019, Maya Channel, the reputable entertainment news outlet in Thailand, has organized its 19th Maya Awards 2019, an annual award giving to people in Thailand’s entertainment industry. This year, Workpoint Channel has won two awards from this...
Another new TV programme of Workpoint has been licensed to Vietnam! Fake Lovers, premiered in June 2019, is Workpoint’s latest game show about love and couples. Every couple on this show has a story to tell but the audience must detect whether their stories are...
The world’s largest content market is around the corner! Workpoint Group will attend MIPCOM, one of the world’s entertainment content markets held annually in October at Palais de Festival in Cannes, France. This year, Workpoint Group will be exhibiting at...